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Juan Viejo2
JoinedPosts by Juan Viejo2
Big JW mutiny in the Vancouver BC area!!
by 1914BS inwell this year'a assembly is over and the dubs in the vancouver bc area are mad at the gb.
about 100.000 dubs had to travel all the way to kamloops bc about a 300 mile drive one way!!.
i have heard that that each dub had to shell out $500 bucks and more for food and lodging just to hear some druel about scolio.
Gems from the August 15, 2011 WT
by Ultimate Reality inpdfs can be obtained at spiritual gem #1. perhaps witnesses should apply the standard the wt recommends for gathering information on the internet to wt publications; from page 4:.
(1) who published this.
Juan Viejo2
If most of the most recent appointees to the Governing Body were still serving in local Kingdom Halls - and partook of the emblems - they most likely would be called in to account for themselves before a bunch of non-"anointed" elders. Everyone in the congregation would immediately suspect that they were mentally imbalanced or faking it.
Of course, in my mind there is no doubt that everyone on the Governing Body is faking it. If they were "anointed" they wouldn't be treating the rank and file like a bunch of inebriated dodos.
Post a favorite male/female duet song
by journey-on inhere's one of mine:.
Juan Viejo2
Mrs. Jones, that Kenny Loggins concert was amazing - and I just missed out on a chance to go to it. Loggins' duet with Michael McDonald ("What a Fool Believes") took a totally different approach to the Doobies' standard that Loggins co-wrote with McDonald. The back up musicians were first rate.
What a beautiful place to enjoy a concert, surrounded by massive redwoods. Sorry I missed it, but I have the DVD.
I won't post them here, but McDonald and Patty LaBelle's duet ("On My Own") and Patty Austin and James Ingram's "Baby Come to Me" are two others that I never tire of hearing.
New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures
by Quendi ini know this has been discussed before, but i want to reopen the topic.
i am currently reading ray franz's memoir crisis of conscience and ran across this footnote with respect to the new world translation of the holy scriptures:.
"the new world translation bears no translator's name and is presented as the anonymous work of the "new world translation committee.
Juan Viejo2
While I will support your position that the name "Jehovah" was published in some form as early as the 12th century, I stand by my initial statement:
==> "Jehovah" is the English version of the Greek version of the Hebrew version of the YHVH with added vowels <==
Yes, of course other languages use their own variations on the name Jehovah. I wasn't talking about German, or French, or Spanish or Swahili. That goes without saying.
There is no evidence of Jesus, while surrounded by his followers, commanding or even suggesting that they call the Father "Jehovah." Nor is it likely that he told them to call Him "Yahweh," although that is more likely than "Jehovah."
I still hold my position that there is no evidence that the name JEHOVAH has any particular significance or any higher accuracy than any other name for God Almighty that some cult wants to pull out of their ass.
Its been six months...
by MrFreeze intoday is my 6th month anniversary of leaving the organizations.
time to have a beer and celebrate!.
Juan Viejo2
I'll drink a case of Corona in your honor, Mr. Freeze! Chilled, of course, with lime.
New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures
by Quendi ini know this has been discussed before, but i want to reopen the topic.
i am currently reading ray franz's memoir crisis of conscience and ran across this footnote with respect to the new world translation of the holy scriptures:.
"the new world translation bears no translator's name and is presented as the anonymous work of the "new world translation committee.
Juan Viejo2
"Jehovah" is the English version of the Greek version of the Hebrew version of the YHVH with added vowels (not used by ancient Hebrew). Jesus was not called Jesus in the first century. He would have been known as Yeheshua or some variation. Jesus is the Greek version of his name.
I have never found a single verse that proves that Jesus ever commanded his followers to refer to Almighty God by His personal name, but always as "Father."
This whole argument over whether Jehovah is the correct name for Almighty God is bogus. It was simply formed by taking the Greek version of the Tetragrammaton and adding the vowels from Elohim and Adonai to make the name pronounceable.
The wide use of the title Lord can be traced back to the middle-ages and the propaganda that kings were appointed by divine intervention and that powerful landowners (lords) had achieved their success due to God's grace. So where Adonai and Elohim appeared in the original text, the words were replaced with the common dark ages generics of Lord, God, and Father.
what was the best gig you ever attended and why ?
by the max inmy own was ac/dc at the hamersmith odoen london 1980, the highway to hell tour with bonn scott, they were at their creative peak with their best line up with there best album, you had to be there to understand !!
Juan Viejo2
The Mountain Winery Amphitheater, Saratoga, California - Summer 2000
Michael McDonald w/ Amy Holland (McDonald)
Jeff Bridges
Above the Clouds
Perfect weather. Everyone was in perfect voice. Jeff Bridges was beginning his solo C/W style singing. Amy Holland had just recovered from her bout with cancer and was in fine form as backup female vocalist.
I've been to many, many concerts, but without a doubt everything came together perfectly that night. Great crowd too!
Menlo Park Cong.
by exwhyzee ini recently got in touch with an old jw friend of mine (now of the annointed) who lives near menlo park ca.
i asked him about that congreagation there that got closed down or had some sort of uprising.
he didn't know anything about it and even sounded like he didn't believe it ever happened.
Juan Viejo2
There is breaking news on the Menlo Park story.
For those who haven't kept up with it, go to and read the articles "Fear and Loathing..." and "Updates."
I'm not at liberty to release any new specific information just yet, but I can assure you that the best is yet to come. Let me give you some hints:
Newspaper Reporters
Justice Department
Money laundering
That is all. Please keep your eyes and ears open for the latest developments. As usual, I will let everyone here know when something new gets posted over at on this subject.
Cult Free Radio on USTREAM
by leavingwt init has come to my attention that a new internet radio show will debut this saturday, april 30, 2011 at 10 pm edt.
i'm looking forward to seeing how it takes shape.
i wanted you to know about it.
Juan Viejo2
I had that time out problem too. If you remember when Sweeney was asking me to type something in the chat line, I couldn't, I had actually been logged out completely. Another time, just as I was trying to connect, a video commercial moved over the access box and played for 15 seconds. And then, like you, several times when I was trying to get Mad a message, I'd get a gray chat box and a timer that said 15 seconds, 10 seconds, etc. It was very disconcerting right at the time he and I were trying to connect.
WHO WROTE THE BIBLE by Washington Gladden, PT 1
by Quentin inam currently reading this book.
would like to share some excerpts from same.take note mr. gladden is objective in his wrting.see wikipedia for gladden bio.
excerpts, printed by waking lion press.
Juan Viejo2
Good info here. I own a copy of the Asimov book - and although a bit outdated, it is probably the most complete and accurate historical view of the Bible ever written. Asimov did his own research and wrote it in between his other books; he was an amazing man.
I also have "Who Wrote the New Testament?" byt Burton L. Mack. Easy to read and not overly scholastic, but very informative and extensive.
On the other end of the spectrum is "Who Wrote the Gospels?" by Randel McCraw Helms. Helms was a professor of English and Literature at Arizona State University. One of his courses was the Bible as Literature. One of his theories, which has some support from other scholars, is that one of the writers of the New Testament may have been a woman. He also wrote "Gospel Fictions," another excellent book. Helms is not an easy read, like Richard Dawkins and Bart Ehrman, but he is very thorough. Helms is an interesting scholar, having written extensive studies of the Tolkien's books, The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. Helms also had family members who were Jehovah's Witnesses, so he has remote connections to our community.
There is so much good reading out there. A lot of scholarship has gone into the study of the Bible and Christian theology - and yet so many just accept that the "King James Version of the Bible" is the one and only word of God. Thanketh thee, Oh Lord God, for giving us your Holy Book in Elizabethan English. After all, that was most certainly the very language of Moses, David, Isaiah and Jesus himself. I know it was cause I saw "The Ten Commandments" and "King of Kings."
Thank you Jesus!!!